2003 Terrain-Following Models Users Workshop


2003 Terrain-Following Models Users Workshop

2003 Terrain-Following Ocean Models Users Workshop takes place in Seattle, WA, 4-6 August, 2003.

The third joint biennial meeting of terrrain-following ocean model users was held at the auditorium of the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) in Seattle, WA, 4-6 August, 2003.

The two and a half-days meeting included talks and posters on: numerics and computational issues, mixing parameterizations, data assimilation, process studies, and coastal forecast systems. It also planed a general discussion session to report on new model developments and to discuss issues of interest.

Workshop OrganizationTeam
  • Hernan ArangoRutgers University
  • Albert HermannPMEL/NOAA
  • Tal EzerPrinceton University