12th IWMO-2022


12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean 2022

The 12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO) takes place in Michigan on June 28-July 1,2022.

The 12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2022) was hosted by the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) and NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). The meet ing was held on the campus of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, on June 28-July 1, 2022.

The IWMO meetings are aimed at bringing together sci entists from different countries and encouraging interna tional research collaborations on topics of ocean modeling, ocean prediction and data analysis. The IWMO founded and started in 2009 (Oey et al. 2010) and was held so far in some 10 different countries. However, only once before it was held in the USA (IWMO 2010 in Norfolk, Virginia; Ezer et al. 2011). The 12th IWMO 2022 was unique and challenging, as the first meeting after a 3-year long halt due to the COVID pandemic, following the 11th IWMO 2019 meeting held in Wuxi, China (Ezer et al. 2021).
