5th IWMO-2013


5th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean 2013

The 5th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO) takes place in  Bergen, Norway, July 17-20, 2013.

The 5th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean was held in June 17–20, in Bergen, Norway. The historic city of Bergen is the gateway to the fjords and a center for oceanic research. The workshop was hosted by the University of Bergen and also sponsored by the Research Council of Norway. Approximately 80 researchers worldwide participated in the workshop. Professor Mellor, Princeton University, gave the keynote lecture. The 5th IWMO meeting in Bergen was the first IWMO held in Europe, followed on the footsteps of previous meetings, IWMO-2009 in Taipei, Taiwan (Oey et al. 2010a, b), IWMO-2010 in Norfolk, USA (Ezer et al. 2011), IWMO-2011 in Qingdao, China (Oey et al. 2013a), and IWMO-2012 in Yokohama, Japan (Oey et al. 2013b). The participants presented approximately 60 oral talks and 20 posters, covering a wide range of ocean modeling and data analysis topics, as described below. In the spirit of promoting young scientists in their early career (graduate students and postdocs), about 15 young presenters participated in the Outstanding Young Scientist Award (OYSA) competition and three of them received awards.

Outstanding Young Scientist Award (OYSA)

OYSA winners of IWMO 2013

  • 1. Helene R. Langehaug
  • 2. Tsubasa Kodaira
  • 3. Jing Lu